Business travel sucks

During my last full year at Boston Scientific, I had over 200 nights in hotels. That's about 4 nights per week.

It sucked.

I was more of a runner back then. I estimate that I ran the perimeter oval around Central Park at least 50 times. The City at 0430 is a cool place. I could literally run right down the middle of 5th Avenue.

Strength training was a little more challenging. I got really good at making the most of whatever workout resources were available. Most hotels had a rack of DBs and a bench.

Here's a DB-based strength routine I used frequently on the road. To make it super-efficient, I built it using Lower/Upper supersets.

When pressed for time, I'd do three rounds of eight reps for each superset. With more time on my hands, I'd add rounds and reps.

Save this one for future reference when you're traveling.

The workout: Lower/Upper Supersets

Complete 3-4 rounds of each couplet

Sumo DB Deadlift - 12-15 reps

1-Arm DB Overhead Press - 8-10 ea

DB Goblet Reverse Lunge - 8-10 ea

DB Row - 8-10 ea

DB Romanian Deadlift - 8-10 reps

DB Incline Bench - 8-10 reps (if no incline available, do flat bench)

Stability Ball Leg Curls - 12-15 reps

DB Front/Lateral Raise - 10-12 reps 

Hope this gives you some ideas so you can do what you can with what you have. 

We are stronger than our excuses. 

Paul Reilly