This is what “stronger than your excuses” looks like

I got this funny text from a member last week,

"I was proud of myself for 'squeezing in' a TRX circuit between work and Valentine's dinner and thought 'oh, no, I’ll be the straight man in one of Paul’s missives!'”

Haha, little did he know, his text would indeed make it into one of my missives.

But it's not to criticize his mindset for "squeezing in" that workout. Instead, he is a shining example of becoming stronger than our excuses.

Let's call our friend Chet (the real "Chet" might be embarrassed by the attention). He's a busy guy - a senior partner in a big-time law firm. Lotsa hours, challenging commute, travels a lot. 

Chet has plenty of excuses available if he wanted to justify blowing off a workout. 

But he's stronger than those excuses. 

Almost never misses workouts, even if he sometimes needs to "squeeze" one into a busy day.

This, despite suffering a challenging injury back in December. It was a setback. But not enough to disrupt his consistency. We figured out what he could do and doubled down on that.

In the four years I've coached Chet, I doubt he's missed a dozen workouts.

How's he do it? Well, it's simpler than you probably think.

He makes it a PRIORITY in his life.

That means he has to take the time from other things that may also be important. And he defends that time from distraction and intrusion.

You might say, "Well, that's easy for Chet. He has all kinda advantages I don't have. He's healthy and super successful and has a supportive wife and has his life in order."

Yeah, those things are true, but that internal dialogue is more of the same bullsh*t you've been telling yourself for years. It's not worthy of you. You were meant for more.

So, be like Chet and "squeeze in" a workout when you need to, but make fitness your PRIORITY, and you too will be what “stronger than your excuses” looks like. 

Paul Reilly