Failing to plan is planning to fail

Nutrition Nugget - Failing to plan is planning to fail

I've always found it surprising how many people just allow life to happen to them.

You've probably heard the adage - failing to plan is planning to fail. The same applies to our nutrition.

Most have no plan and no idea about what they're going to eat day to day. They just wake up and wing it.

BLUF: Planning your weekly meals is an essential behavior if you want to lose weight, build muscle, and optimize your healthspan.

Sure, there's a time and a place for spontaneity. It might be fun, even exciting sometimes. But it's seldom a solution for the stagnation which is most Americans' current state of health.

Why this matters: Nearly 3 out of 4 adults in the US  are overweight or obese. Staggering.

Odds are that most of you reading this fall into those categories. Odds are that you've tried countless methods and fallen prey to innumerable fad diets and gimmicks to help you lose weight. Maybe for decades.

But you're still stuck. And you may be discouraged, even desperate.

That bums me out because many of the solutions for this are so obvious and available.

Like meal planning.

This one behavior, which takes about 10-20 minutes a week tops, could impact your weight, muscle mass, and health more than anything else you've tried.

Why do so few people do it?

It takes some time.

It can be tedious.

They don't know where to start.

They don't know what to plan.

They've never been taught how.

They don't have a readily available tool that makes it simple.

We want to help, particularly with that last one - the easy-to-use planning tool.

Here's a simple resource with a few dropdown options you can put to use today. It's FREE.

If you download and use it, please let us know what you think. (also be sure to “Make a Copy” or everyone else will get to see what you’re planning)

Please reach out if you're feeling stuck, discouraged, or desperate. Use the button below to schedule a free Strategy Session.

We are stronger than our excuses.

Paul Reilly