This is the lottery I wanna win

Imagine that you hit the lottery—hit it big—with more money than you can actually spend in the years you have left.


In order to keep it, you'd have to work hard for five hours a week. And in those five hours, you'd have to tolerate some modest but temporary discomfort.

Would you do it? Would you take the time and suck it up?

Now, imagine you wake up tomorrow with a perfect body, the flawless physique you've always dreamed of.

Even better, not only do you look amazing, but you enjoy perfect health. You will live well into your triple digits, retaining all of your cognitive acuity and memory and robust physical strength and function.


In order to keep it, you'd have to work hard for five hours a week. And in those five hours, you'd have to tolerate some modest but temporary discomfort.

Would you do it? Would you take the time and suck it up?

Yeah, I thought so. I would too!

Well then, why the heck are you NOT doing that already???


We KNOW from the massive volume of empirical evidence produced in the past 50 years of exhaustive research into nutrition and exercise, that that investment of five hours a week, enduring modest but temporary discomfort, can produce outcomes equivalent to that fantastical windfall.

So, what's holding you back? Why not start this week and make that five hour investment?

For most folks, what's holding them back is an affliction and an addiction. An affliction of BUSYNESS and an addiction to COMFORT.

It's not easy to overcome either of those.

But, it can be done.

You don't have to win the lottery.

Starts with a decision.

Decisions are binary.

Do or do not. There is no try.

Paul Reilly