One daily behavior to consistently burn fat and build muscle
Nutrition Nugget - One daily behavior to consistently burn fat and build muscle
Brian, Tracy, Taylor, Bill, Rich, Leah, and dozens of our members have practiced this one daily behavior consistently to burn fat while building muscle.
Rich and Taylor have each lost 10+ lbs of fat while building as much as 3 lbs of muscle in just 6-7 weeks. Brian has shed 20 lbs of fat while building 4 lbs of muscle in only 8 weeks. Tracy’s in the best shape she’s been since HS.
This one daily practice has more bang for its buck than any other fat-loss method I can name.
What's this miraculous method? Logging your calories. ALL of them. EVERY day, as accurately as you can.
Disclosure: It's tedious. It takes time. It's hard to do accurately when eating out. Candidly, it's a pain in the @ss. Few enjoy doing it, myself included.
But it's simple and it works. Remarkably well.
You see, it gives us clarity. That helps us make better choices.
Delusions: We tend to fool ourselves about what and how much we eat. And drink. It's sometimes shocking how many calories we drink - alcohol, juices, and sugary drinks.
Like a lot of the things in life that make us better, it's a daily discipline that requires time and a little thought. But, when practiced consistently, day after day after day, bears a huge dividend.
Take action: Start today. No time like the present. There are free apps like My Fitness Pal you can use. Or connect with us and we'll set you up on our app and provide expert guidance and support.
We are stronger than our excuses.