Said nobody ever... "I'm just way too frickin strong!"

Said nobody ever... "I'm just way too frickin strong!"

Strength is one of the few gifts in life that we can't get too much of. There's no downside to having more than enough.

What's even better than an abundance of strength are the many additional rewards that accrue from its development.

  1. We become metabolically healthier, reducing the risk and effect of high blood sugar. Healthier, more efficient muscle helps insulin do its job of clearing blood sugar from the bloodstream and getting it into our muscles, where it is used for energy or stored.

  2. We get leaner. As they become healthier and grow larger, our muscles also burn more calories throughout the day.

  3. Getting stronger improves our balance. Sure, there are multiple possible causes for the loss of balance as we age, but I believe most of the decline we experience is due to insufficient core and leg strength. If either is weak and inadequate through the full range of motion of each joint, our balance deteriorates.

  4. Similarly, we improve our coordination. The neuromuscular connections that are reestablished when we develop functional strength improve our ability to control our bodies to complete complex physical tasks.

  5. Moving our bodies against resistance strengthens our bones.

  6. Getting stronger makes us more durable and injury resistant.

  7. Building strength is heart-healthy. Nope, cardio is not the only way to strengthen our cardiovascular system. Lifting does as well.

  8. Last, being stronger makes us more functionally capable. Vastly so. We are able to do more stuff over longer periods of time.

So, healthier muscles, lower blood sugar, less fat, more energy... check.

Better balance and coordination, less likely to fall... check.

If we were to fall, more likely to survive the fall without broken bones and injury... check.

Stronger heart and clearer blood vessels... check.

More active and capable, preserving much-needed function, for decades... check.

Sounds pretty good, right?? Well, those are only some of the physical rewards we get from our hard work building strength.

I'll follow up later with some particularly awesome cognitive, mental, and emotional rewards that developing strength delivers.

Until then, we want to remind you of a fabulous opportunity to try out MidStrong for free that we are running through March. With our VIP Guest Passes, our guests can test drive up to four MidStrong small group training sessions. Our only requirement is that we get to sit down for a brief get-to-know-each-other meeting before you begin. Use this link to schedule that.

If you're already a member or MidStrong fan, please forward this to friends and relatives and encourage them to start cashing in on all the fantastic rewards that come from building strength.

While we may never say to ourselves, "I am just way too frickin strong!" wouldn't it be cool if we could say, "Holy moly, I've gotten really frickin strong!" 🙂

Work it. Live it. Keep it.

MidStrong is for life. 

Paul Reilly