This Is Why Change Is So Hard

Most of us dabble in change. We try a few new ideas or methods and may make some modest progress. But most don’t stick with it.

We carefully construct lives that are tolerable. We will not experience the exhilaration of breakthrough growth and sustained change until we decide that our present existence is intolerable.

A little over a year ago, I joined a business acceleration group called The Lions Pride. The members are small business founders, many of us veterans and academy grads. The coaching and support I’ve gotten from this group has helped us boost MidStrong out of a deep rut and achieve a breakthrough. I hesitated joining up for a couple of years, figuring I could do all this on my own.

It wasn’t until I finally acknowledged that our then present state was no longer tolerable that I took action.

We all have inspiring dreams and sense there’s a better version of ourselves that could be within reach if we could just make a few consistent changes.

Sadly, only a tiny minority ever succeed. Why??

Whatever the state of our current existence, it is a perfect reflection of the worst conditions that we will tolerate.

We are pain averse. We go to great lengths and spend fortunes to avoid discomfort. I suppose that’s part of being human.

But it’s also human to yearn and strive for something better.

Those dreams will never become reality unless the discomfort and frustration of our current conditions becomes more than we will bear. We will stay stuck, like I was, in a rut of modestly comfortable self-justification.

We built MidStrong to guide and support the many good people who dream of the brighter future that’s possible and who finally come around to recognize that their present conditions are longer tolerable.

You can do this. Don’t settle. Join us.

Stronger than our excuses.

PS – I can’t say enough good things about my friend Bill Watkins and the group he founded, The Lions Pride. If you own a business, or are considering starting one, his coaching, curriculum, and cohort will provide invaluable insight, remarkable resources, and both practical and strategic support that can 10X your business.

Ina Corver