Zero carbs is the way to go, right?
Joe: "What's your take on carbs, Paul?"
Me: "How do you mean?"
"Well, they're bad, right? We shouldn't eat carbs. I've been doing zero carbs. I mean, they cause diabetes, right? And make people fat. Am I right?"
Me: "Hmm... (long pause)"
Internal dialogue, "OK, where do I even begin with this? Stay curious, Paul. This person is seeking help and answers. They've just been misinformed. Ask a question."
Me: "So, zero carbs, huh? How do you feel that's been working for you?"
"I guess it's going ok. I just need to be more disciplined. I'm sorta stuck. I'm about 265 but want to get back down to 205. I think I just need to totally eliminate carbs."
So, what do you think? Zero carbs is the way to go, right??
We hear this multiple times each week. Lotsa misinformation and confusion out there.
True, a typical American gets far too many of their daily calories from carbohydrates. And, yes, plenty of population studies show that's contributed to our epidemics of obesity, diabetes, and other dreadful things.
But total elimination isn't the solution. Should we eliminate vegetables? Fruit? Fiber?
Nah, that's not a good idea.
And being Irish, I really like taters and beer, and I'm not sure life is worth living without 'em. 😏
Hysteria about carbs places emphasis on the wrong macronutrient.
Focus more on protein. Get that number right, and it solves a bunch of things.
Luckily, I persuaded Joe to open his mind a bit. He's on board now and doing well. And he'll tell you he's really glad he has some jet fuel (carbs) in the tank when he's getting smoked by the workouts I give him.
Together, we are stronger than our excuses.