A Great Core Strength Exercise - Stability Ball Wall Press

Another effective Core Strength exercise that we've come to love - Stability Ball Wall Press.

This one is an isometric hold. It's predominantly anti-rotational, but also delivers a big pillar strength dividend.

Coaching points:

  • Hold a stability ball at about arm's length and chest height

  • Push it into the wall with the back of your wrist

  • Stagger your feet with the leg near the wall in front

  • Brace your core and contract your glutes

  • Push as hard into the wall as you can with your arms extended

  • Hold it for 30 sec per side

  • You can also do it with feet parallel - similar stimulus

Like many of our members have, I think you'll find it's a bit harder than it looks.

I think we all know how critical Core Strength is. We include core training into everything we do. It's the foundation. Build it first. Build it strong and stable.

We coach busy men and women all over the country to get stronger, look leaner, and feel better than they have in decades. We help them make food, fitness, and function the priority that powers the best years of life.

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Paul Reilly