Kettlebell Suitcase March - Excellent for Balance and Core Strength

Here's a simple core strength exercise that I've come to LOVE!

KB Suitcase March (probably has another more sciency name, but this is what we've been calling it)

It's super effective at building dynamic core stability - maintaining rigid core stiffness while moving our limbs. It's also massively beneficial for balance training.

Coaching points:

  1. Use a heavy KB, heavy enough that you'll be happy to put it down when the prescribed time is done

  2. Keep your midline strictly vertical

  3. Keep shoulders level horizontally

  4. Keep chin level and try to not look at the floor - better for balance

  5. Raise a knee as high as possible and dorsiflex your foot (pull toes toward nose)

  6. Hold the knee at the top for about one second then slowly put foot down

  7. Do the same for the other side

  8. Brace your core throughout

We do these in our core circuits and typically do them for either one minute per side or for a specific rep count.

Mix these with other cool KB Core moves like Halos or KB Shuffle.

At MidStrong we do train core strength with every workout in some fashion. Most times, we do it first, right after our warmup. That's because we prioritize building a solid and stable foundation before we work on the rest of the edifice.

We coach busy midlifers all over the country using our innovative online training platform. And locally at our Healthspan Lab in Westborough, MA. Contact us when you're ready to make food, fitness, and function the priority that powers the best years of life.

We believe those years can happen at any age.

Work it. Live it. Keep it.

MidStrong is for life.

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Paul Reilly