Measure What Matters
Hello Friends,
When we work hard at something but don't see visible progress, we get frustrated. This is completely understandable.
But, sometimes the progress we're making is showing up elsewhere and might be harder to measure.
"Ugh... I don't get it, Paul. The scale hasn't budged. I'm working out hard, at least three times a week like you say I should. And I've been much better about what I eat. But I just don't seem to be making progress. I'm frustrated."
This is a conversation Julie and I have with a handful of members just about every month.
We can understand their preoccupation with body weight. It's easy to measure. And we definitely empathize with their hope to see measurable progress. Whenever we're putting in the effort and trying to do the right things, we NEED to see progress.
Lack of it feels like stagnation, which leads to discouragement and then, too often, to throwing in the towel and quitting.
This is unfortunate because, in my opinion, and in my experience, the number on the scale has very little meaning. It doesn't provide us with useful or useable information. I haven't weighed myself on a scale in over three years.
What actually IS meaningful is our body composition - the breakdown of water weight, lean muscle, and fat tissue that comprise our body weight.
We use our InBody Body Composition Analyzer to measure that. The InBody provides information that is truly USEFUL.
When we use it to track changes methodically over time, it's wonderful to see the actual and meaningful progress our members' hard work is producing.
Many will respond by telling us, "yeah, I was pretty frustrated in the beginning when my weight wouldn't budge, even though my clothes definitely fit better, and I felt much stronger and generally MUCH better."
That sort of progress is harder to measure than body weight.
It's that information that we intend to track methodically over the course of a year with our Measure What Matters program.
Along with our body composition, we will also assess and track key metrics of strength, balance, and conditioning
What's involved?
Quarterly scans with the Inbody - Nov, Feb, May, Aug (exact dates TBD)
Biannual Strength and Function assessments - Nov & May
We'll help capture and track your progress each quarter
We will also aggregate the data and benchmark it to the entire cohort of participating MidStrongers
We will protect your privacy and never share your individual data
The cost is a one-time annual charge of $250
Here's how to sign up: CLICK HERE
There's an old axiom in business that I've mentioned before... "you can't manage what you don't measure." We invite you to begin measuring what matters by joining us for this program.
The program is open to all our local MidStrong members and anyone who lives in the area who'd like to participate. For our online MidStrongers who live all over the country, if you're interested in participating, we will help facilitate an Inbody scan at a location near where you reside.
When I check in again in a few days, we'll identify a host of awesome benefits that accrue when we purposefully develop more lean muscle. Until then, let's refocus on the progress you're making that isn't visible on your scale.
Progress is invigorating. It generates momentum. Momentum is priceless. Measure what matters and begin to create powerful momentum in your life.
Work it. Live it. Keep it.
MidStrong is for life.