Medicine Ball Plank - A Somewhat More Challenging Variation

A somewhat more challenging Plank variation - the Medicine Ball Plank.

It's great for dialing up your pillar strength and enhancing shoulder stability.

Coaching Points:

  1. Keep the MB directly below the chest

  2. Maintain a strict and rigid straight line from the neck through shoulders, hips, to heels

  3. Brace the core

  4. Contract the glutes

  5. Avoid sagging in the middle or piking up the butt

  6. Keep the triceps tucked into the armpits

Work on holding this for up to a minute.

Have you noticed how much of our physical ability begins to deteriorate as we hit midlife? Things we used to be able to do without a thought become challenging or seemingly impossible. That erosion just accelerates unless we are intentional about retaining it. We've got to train it to retain it.

That's what we do at MidStrong. We train badass midlifers all over the country using our innovative online healthspan coaching platform.

Hit me with a DM if you're interested in learning more.

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Paul Reilly