We Lose This Type of Muscle

We know that we lose Strength and Muscle Mass as we age. We lose Power even faster.

Power is slightly different from Strength. It involves speed of movement. When we do Power exercises we move explosively.

The decline in Power stems from a decline in the size and efficiency of fast-twitch muscle fibers. Our slow-twitch fibers seem to be much less affected by aging. But, fast-twitch fibers decline rapidly from disuse.

So we need to be intentional about including Power training into our regimen.

We often use movements like this DB Thruster to develop and retain Power.

It has the added benefit of building Core Strength, Coordination, and bone strength.

We want to help you preserve your fast-twitch fibers and Power so you can continue doing the things you love with the ones you love for as long as you live.

We coach members all over the country using our online coaching platform and in-person at our bricks and mortar gym in Westborough, MA.

Work it. Live it. Keep it.

MidStrong is for life.

Paul Reilly