Time Can't Be "Found", It Must Be TAKEN

"Man, Paul, this takes a lot of time! It took me 10 minutes to figure out all my calories yesterday!"

Thus, several members reported after we kicked off Week 1 of our Build & Burn cohort and coached them to meticulously track their daily calorie and protein consumption.

To keep first things first and prioritize the essential things in life, we must TAKE the time. There's no way around it. There's no easy button.

I hear this all the time...

"I just can't seem to find the time."

Here's a simple truth... time isn't FOUND; it must be TAKEN.

We have to TAKE it from competing priorities or from mindless distractions which we allow to erode what little we have.

This is true of every worthy effort we pursue - raising a family, building a career, contributing to our local community, and being fit and healthy.

This isn't easy. We have many obligations and much to do. We are BUSY.

But, remember, busyness is our enemy and often our excuse. It's easier to hide behind our busyness to justify why we're still stuck and unhappy in our present circumstances.

Whether it's the 10 minutes each day we need to track our calories or the 3-4 hours each week to exercise vigorously, when we do, when we decisively take that time and place what's essential to us at the top of our priorities, we are capable of remarkable progress and breathtaking transformation.

That's what we do at MidStrong - we help busy midlifers TAKE the time to make food, fitness, and function the priority that powers the best years of life.

We believe that those years can happen at any age

Work it. Live it. Keep it.

MidStrong is for life. 

Paul Reilly