Stagger Stance Goblet Squat - Quad Dominant Strength Variation

Sometimes little variations can produce big dividends, like with these Stagger Stance Goblet Squats.

These are a little more quad-dominant than the typical Goblet Squat.

They are...

 ✅ Very functional - this is often how we lift things in real life.

 ✅ Excellent for developing quad strength and muscle mass.

 ✅ Great for Balance!

 ✅ An interesting alternative.

Coaching Points:

  1. Start with a narrower stance than normal.

  2. Step back with one foot, keeping the toe of the back foot even with the front heel.

  3. Perform an otherwise normal Goblet Squat.

  4. The knees will need to extend beyond the toes with this variation, especially the knee of the back leg.

We primarily use these to augment main lifts like Squats and Deadlifts.

We work to develop Strength and lean muscle mass every day. But it's our main focus on Weightlifting Wednesdays.

Developing ample Strength, Power, and Muscle Mass is critical to preserving optimal healthspan.

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Paul Reilly