This Stuff Is Hard

This stuff is hard. It's uncomfortable.

Exercise is hard. Or it should be. It's definitely more comfortable mindlessly scrolling on the couch.

Making time for training and then protecting it is hard. It forces uncomfortable decisions.

Eating right can be hard, particularly when you start.

Feeling hungry sucks. The pangs are uncomfortable. But they pass.

Tracking daily calories is tedious. Planning our weekly meals takes time. Seems we never have enough. Establishing these habits requires persistence.

I wish I could offer a rosier picture. But, all this stuff is challenging and involves intentional discomfort. And anybody who tries to convince you otherwise and tells you they have an easy button for all this is a charlatan and is full of sh*t.

As hard and uncomfortable as this stuff is, we KNOW the alternatives are much harder - obesity, heart disease, cancer, diabetes, cognitive decline, sarcopenia, broken bones, anxiety related disorders, depression, negative body image. These lead inexorably to loss. Loss of strength, balance, memory, confidence, stamina, and finally happiness and freedom.

That's our inescapable future when we choose comfort.

We make choices. Then we live with them. Too often we live with them well beyond the extent of our healthspan.

Today we have a choice. Which path do you choose?

At MidStrong, we are STRONGER than our excuses because we've nurtured an environment of mutual support and enouragement. We guide a bunch of hard-working good people to make better choices that lead to optimal Healthspan. 

MidStrong is for life.

Paul Reilly