Our Enemy and Our Excuse

Busyness is our enemy and excuse.

We are never going to be less busy than we are right now.

We sacrifice our present for some mythical pipe dream of a future in which we imagine we'll be less busy.

But it's a lie. That day never comes.

We cram our days and weeks with busyness like it's an addiction, perpetually surrendering the only thing we really have - today.

We continually put off doing that which truly matters to us, believing that once we get our act together, once we work through our to-do list, once we figure out some magical method to be more productive, we will have more time and can turn our attention to those other things.

We have no assurance of a tomorrow, or next week, next month, next year.

And even if we did, we absolutely wouldn't be less busy than we are now. You see, busyness only begets more busyness. No sooner have we checked off a couple of to-do's and we add three more.

So, if your excuse for sacrificing the precious time that you've set aside to work out is the familiar, "I'm just too busy today, hopefully, I'll have more time tomorrow," then you are making a choice to stay mired in the same busy-ness trap that has held you back and disrupted all your attempts to become the person you are meant to be.

Today is a gift. Busyness is a choice. And our enemy.

Be grateful for the gift, choose wisely, and don't give the enemy a foothold.

Together, we are stronger than our excuses.

MidStrong is for life. 

Paul Reilly