It Won't Kill Me

After a decade as a fitness coach and a lifetime as an athlete, I've come to one undeniable conclusion about weight loss...

We're going to feel hungry.

No matter which approach to weight loss we employ, we will feel periodic or even persistent cravings, especially in the early days.

That's because the one necessary condition to success with weight loss is some form of restriction - calories, carbs, sugar, meat, sodium, dairy, gluten, alcohol, or whatever. Every dietary approach that is credible involves limiting the consumption of some form of food or nutrient.

That invariably causes cravings. Those often come disguised as hunger.

We can agree that feeling hungry sucks. As I pen this, I'm in the middle of a 500-kcal day. I'm a bit hungry and looking uphill at several more hours before I allow myself to eat a small meal. It's a little uncomfortable.

But let's also agree that, as uncomfortable and distracting as the cravings may be, they're not going to kill me. The discomfort is temporary. I'll be fine. All cravings pass. Eventually.

One thing that makes tolerating the hunger pangs easier is doing this with a battle buddy. Julie is doing it with me. That old expression, "misery loves company," extends to hunger.

Which is why we chose to do Build & Burn as a cohort. Shared challenges are always easier to endure when you know others are in the same boat. It also helps us stay accountable because neither wants to be the first one to crack or to let the other down. And the encouragement and mutual support just feel awesome.

Anybody can join Build & Burn, whether you live nearby or anywhere else in the country or whether you're currently a MidStrong member or not. The program is open to everyone and anyone. See below for more details.

Yes, we're going to feel a bit hungry at times over the next couple of months. But we'll know that we're all in this together, and there's no way we'd let each other down.

Are you ready to do this? Cool. Reply to this email with, "I'm in!". Or email Julie with your questions -


MidStrong is for life. 

Paul Reilly