How Much Is Enough?

How much is enough? That's a question we can philosophically apply to many things - money, time, effort, etc.

But my friend, Chuck was specifically asking about muscle. How much muscle is enough, right now? How much do I need today if I want to preserve all/most of my physical ability well into old age?

Chuck has a talent for asking the right questions. I suppose that could be because he's a very successful attorney. He posed this question to me last week on our Healthspan Secrets webinar.

It's the right question to be asking because, on any journey, to get to where we are headed, we need to know from where we're starting.

I'll assume that because you are reading this, you understand and share, to at least some extent, my fascination with and commitment to optimizing healthspan. Like me, you want to retain your fully functional physical and cognitive abilities right up to the day that you die. That’s our intended destination. 

We will need a substantial amount of strength and muscle to make it there. And because we know that we will invariably lose some of that as we pass through each decade of life, it's theoretically possible that we can backcast to estimate how much we need or should work to develop right now.

Well, the scientific evidence around this theoretical calculation is kinda fuzzy. And how much we'll need at the end, in our marginal decade, directly depends on how vigorous of a life we imagine for ourselves should we be blessed to live that long.

All of that makes it hard for me to offer Chuck a hard number, like 95 lbs of lean muscle and 18% body fat. But the fact that he's thinking in these terms is super encouraging and an example all of us could follow.

Getting an accurate measurement of how much lean body mass (LBM) you presently have is a key component of our Build and Burn Cohort. We'll kick that program off with individual scans on our body composition analyzer, the InBody machine. Then, we'll measure how much muscle we build and fat we burn (hence the name of the program) over the two months that we're focused on tracking our daily protein and calorie intake.

With good LBM data, we can calculate personalized daily goals for both numbers - calories and protein. Our innovative MidStrong app has a really easy-to-use tracking mechanism.

Remember, we can only manage what we measure. So, daily tracking of everything we eat is a critical behavior that will help you create consistency until it becomes a habit. We'll show you how to make that easier and less tedious. And because we're doing this as a cohort, we'll have loads of mutual support and encouragement from the tribe.

See the box below for more details about Build and Burn. If you feel stuck or scuffling along with your efforts to burn fat while retaining as much lean muscle as possible, then this is an opportunity you won't want to pass up.

Yes, this will require a daily and weekly commitment of time. Yes, some of the tasks we'll complete each day are tedious. And, yes, there is a financial commitment. But, frankly, if you are unwilling to make the time, show up consistently, do the work, and invest a reasonable portion of your energy and resources into this, then I am confident that you will remain stuck where you are in life. Anything worth doing in this life is hard and requires a substantial investment in consistency, time, energy, and resources.

Signing up is easy - reply to this email with confirmation that you're in. Or text Julie: 757-876-0481.

Work it. Live it. Keep it.

MidStrong is for life. 

Build & Burn Cohort

What’s Involved? 

  • 8-week program

  • Starts Jan 30th

  • Before and after Body composition scans – inbody

  • Personalized daily calorie and protein targets based on your goal, size, age, and level of activity

  • Easy consistent daily tracking via MidStrong app

  • Nutritious & delicious meal suggestions via MidStrong app

  • Weekly cohort Accountability check-in calls

  • Winter Warrior Challenge included – uber-cool beanie!

  • One-time cost - $297

  • Savings of $594!!! (off our usual Nutrition Coaching monthly program)

Who’s this for? 

  • You! Especially, if you’ve found it challenging to lose fat and keep it off. Or if you’re unsure of how much muscle you presently have and want to preserve all of it or even build more while burning fat. 

  • You! If you are unsure if you’re getting enough protein to maintain lean muscle as you’re aging. 

  • You! Particularly, if you want to enjoy solid balance, strong bones, capable muscles, a crisp intellect and sharp memory. 

  • You! If you’re regularly affected by Seasonal Affect Disorder and feel depressed, anxious, or lethargic due to the lack of sunlight and warmth that comes with winter. 

What do you need to do to sign up? 

  • Reply to this email with the message, “I’m in!”

  • Or text Coach Julie: 757-876-0481

What if I’m unsure and want to speak with somebody about all of this before making the investment? 

  • No worries, we get that. If you’re on the fence or need more information, please reach out using either of the methods above. We’ll help you make up your mind one way or the other if this is something that would be good for you. 

Paul Reilly