Break the Doom Loop

How much weight do you think you gained over the holidays? 5 lbs? 10?

Well, for most of us, it's probably less than we believe we did, at least according to a well-run study from the New England Journal of Medicine.

Turns out that from about Halloween to New Year's we probably gain a little more than a pound (0.18-kg average weight gain during the fall preholiday period and the 0.37-kg increase during the holiday season).

That would almost be encouraging, were it not for the caveat that we retain much of that all the way through the subsequent year (0.62 kg or 1.36 lb). We then head into the following holiday season, never having shed much of the weight we picked up from the previous year.

Worse, those who are overweight or obese, roughly half of the US population, put on substantially more weight during that period - 2.3 kg or just over 5 lb.

So, you can see how 10-20+ lbs of weight gain each decade can sneak up on you!

As we all know, losing that weight is hard. Keeping if off is even harder.

It's because we want to help each of you avoid this sneaky holiday weight retention that we're launching our Build and Burn Cohort.

It'll run for 2 months - Feb and Mar. We will set personalized daily calorie and protein targets. We'll track what we eat using our easy-to-use MidStrong app. Each week, we'll introduce new concepts and tools to equip you to be consistent after the program concludes, like weekly 500 kcal days. And we'll support and help hold each other accountable.

The cost is a one-time charge of $297, which represents a 50% savings. But save your money if you're not going to really dig in and commit. Gazillions of people waste good money every year on weight loss programs, gimmicks, and equipment that they never use or follow. Don't be that guy/girl.

But if you're ready to break the doom loop of year-after-year-after-year of holiday weight retention, then let's do this! You can just reply to this email with an "I'm in!" and we'll hold your spot.

Let's be stronger than our excuses this year.

Work it. Live it. Keep it.

MidStrong is for life. 

Paul Reilly