This never happens

It’s not very often that women come to check out MidStrong and tell us that they want to build muscle. No, typically we hear that they want to “slim down”, “lose some weight”, “feel better about themselves”, or “fit better in my clothes”. Others have chronic pain or other conditions like diabetes or osteoporosis and they are taking action to address those things. Those are all excellent reasons.

Virtually none come in and tell us, “I need more muscle mass because I don’t want sarcopenia.”

But they should.

Sarcopenia is the age-related loss of muscle mass and strength. It’s what we mean when we use the term “frail”. It is perhaps the least known and most under-diagnosed age-related disorder out there.

With the exception of some extreme practitioners of bodybuilding, there is really no situation in which a woman can have too much muscle.

However, when I look around at the world and take notice of women past the age in which they actively compete in sports, about 90% of them don’t have enough muscle.

And they don’t have to look like frail stick figures. Sarcopenic obesity is the condition in which we have inadequate muscle tissue but way too much adipose tissue (fat). These folks may not look frail, but they’ve got very little strength, function, or muscle mass underneath those layers of fat. Nor do they have to look obese. They usually appear as perfectly normal looking midlife women.

Sarcopenia is entirely preventable. But, only through strength training. It’s never too late, or too early, to get started. If you’re a busy working mom in your 40s, this message is as much for you as the really active grandma who’s 75 and walks 3 miles every day.

One of the functions of our new InBody body composition analyzer is to measure muscle mass. Then, to track the gains our members make over time retaining it and steadily adding more.

Everyone who participates in our June 6X30 Challenge will be assessed before and after the challenge with the InBody. We really want to see what a solid month of consistent vigorous activity and exercise does to our muscle mass.

We’d love for you to join us. The cost, $75, includes the two scans and a bunch of other great stuff.

You can register here.

You can do this. Don’t settle. Join us.

Stronger than our excuses.

Midlife FitnessIna Corver