Most Midlife Bodies Need More

Muscle weighs more than fat, right??

Nah. That’s an old and persistent myth.

A pound of fat weighs precisely as much as a pound of muscle. A pound is a pound.

When folks say they want to “lose weight”, they usually mean that they want to burn off fat.

Most also want to get stronger. As we get stronger we add muscle tissue. That inevitably adds mass. That’s good. Most midlife bodies need more muscle.

Often, in the process of “losing weight” it’s common to lose muscle mass too. That’s not good. There are practically no midlife bodies who wouldn’t benefit from more muscle.

What if that results in a net gain in body weight? No worries, that’s the kind of weight gain we should be happy about!

More muscle means:

  • Better control of blood sugar

  • A faster burning metabolism

  • Accelerated fat burn

  • Increased overall strength

  • Improved balance and coordination

  • Stronger, more stable knees, hips, back, neck and shoulders

Adding muscle can even improve our mental state of mind and help us feel more self-confident.

But, how do we know if the number on the scale is muscle or fat or water? We can’t. It’s just a number, mostly useless.

With our InBody bio-impedance analyzer, we can accurately discern the real makeup of our body composition. That is information we can act upon.

MidStrongers doing our June 6X30 Challenge will have before and after scans with the InBody. We can’t wait to see how their bodies adapt to so much consistent exercise and activity!

We hope you’d consider joining us! We’re committed to doing 30+ minutes of exercise or vigorous activity for six days each week through the month of June. There’s a modest cost, $75, which includes the two “weigh-ins” with InBody and a cool t-shirt.

Here’s a link that you can use to sign-up.

Life is awesome when you commit to the pursuit of optimal health.

You can do this. Don’t settle. Join us.

Stronger than our excuses.

Midlife FitnessIna Corver