You Will Get the Poorest Condition That You Will Tolerate

Rule number one – you will NOT get the best condition that you want, but the poorest condition that you will tolerate.

Self-trust, like self-confidence, is a belief in our abilities to achieve an objective. It’s opposite is self-doubt.

It predetermines our success. Believe you will fail and you will. Or to use Henry Ford’s famous quote…

“Whether you think that you can, or you think you can’t, you are right.”

But, what is self-trust really? It is a visceral knowing, a certainty, that we are capable and willing. Capable to rise above whatever challenge, whatever obstacle impedes us. Willing to press on no matter the cost.

Just about everyone I know wishes they were in better shape. They may have made a resolution recently to change their current physical condition.

The vast majority will fail, will surrender sometime over the next couple of weeks. Sadly, for them, they lack self-trust.

Those good people are simply willing to accept a condition that is short of their aspirations. They dream of something better but don’t believe they are capable, or are just not willing enough to persevere.

Questions to ask yourself:

  • What is the poorest condition you will tolerate? This is your reality and to where you will inevitably slide.

  • Do you TRUST that you are capable to overcome any challenge?

  • Do you KNOW that you will find a way, no matter what?

At MidStrong, we empower and encourage you to shore up your self-trust. If you are willing, we help you see that you ARE capable of something better.

Don’t settle. You can do this. Join us.

Be strong and have fun!

Inspiration for this note comes from the author John Soforic and his bestseller, The Wealthy Gardener.

Ina Corver