The best is yet to come…right?
By the time we hit our 40s and 50s, we’ve worked hard to raise happy families, build strong marriages, and lead successful careers.
We’ve invested prudently and made hard calls to benefit the long haul. We have earned the wisdom and resources that should set up these years as the best time of our lives.
To add to it, finding the time and energy—let alone a gym, fitness trainer, and nutritionist who really understands how to optimize food, midlife fitness, and function—is really hard.
To add to it
Finding the time and energy—let alone a gym, trainer, and nutritionist who really understand midlife challenges—is really tough.
You don’t have hours to devote to workouts. You have a job, a family and a life.
Expert personal trainers are expensive and busy—and it’s hard to find ones who understand your goals and your body (not theirs).
Big gyms can feel like such a racket. So much equipment. So much wasted time. So many injuries waiting to happen. So many germs!
Diets stink. Navigating nutrition and “what’s good for us” is confusing, time-consuming, and hard to make a habit.
You know improving your health is critical—you can FEEL that biological clock ticking—but it’s wicked hard to make midlife fitness and nutrition a priority.
You know improving your health is critical but it’s wicked hard to make your fitness and nutrition a priority.
Until now.
To do all the things you love,
with the people you love,
for as long as you live.
And look and feel great while doing it.
That’s what we mean by maximal healthspan!
Get everything you need to make it easy to put good food, fitness, and function first
—while firming up the mindset to keep them there.
A fully functional midlife fitness program
built specifically for busy midlifers
Expert personal trainers
who have vast experience working with the challenges you face.
A certified nutritionist
to demystify your meals and help make food the jetfuel that propels your progress
Mindset and
habit coaching
to create the daily behaviors and rhythms that make everything stick.
and progress tools
and the occasional swift kick to keep you on track.
The Midstrong Lab, westborough, MA.
Find your prime of life in a prime location.
“Paul: “Tell us about your experience so far with MidStrong, Brian.”
Brian: “Love it! It’s exactly what I need at this stage of life. It challenges me. It doesn’t put me at risk of injury. To do it in a place that’s safe, with the proper instruction, has just been awesome. And it’s changed my life! Really!””
“Paul: “Why was MidStrong a good fit for you?”
Carla: “ I could just see that the weight was going up a little bit. I felt like everything was getting soft. I was getting slower on the tennis court and I just couldn’t figure out why. Great thing Is you tailored a program for me. It’s a plan thats catered to what I needed and it’s doable.””
“Julie: “What makes MidStrong different than any other gym?”
Joanne: “There is so much camaraderie in the group. We all complain about the workouts, we all like the workouts at the same time, and we all appreciate each other and celebrate each others wins as we are working out together.””
“Paul: “How has MidStrong made a difference in your life and helped to maximize your HEALTHSPAN?”
Derek: “I was able to hit the slopes last winter and just go out there and ski for the whole day. Whereas previous years I was probably back in the lodge by lunch time feeling exhausted. I put that down to all of the leg work and the core work at MidStrong.””
“Paul: “How has MidStrong positively impacted your life?”
Muthu: “The community that comes with MidStrong. That’s a good feeling. You feel inclusive. I’ve never felt so much inclusive after I migrated to the U.S. So this is the first time I feel very inclusive in terms of a community.””
“Julie: “What brought you to MidStrong?”
Letty: “I had gone through a back injury. Part of me was like okay Lord, Is this the beginning of the end? I needed to change something and i finally said you know what I’m going to go ahead and call. MidStrong changed my life.””
“I’ve been under Paul and Julie’s tutelage for about 6 weeks. I’ve lost 18 pounds, I have more energy, I feel much stronger, and my wife says I’m much more pleasant to be around!”
“I am so happy I found MidStrong! Julie and Paul are excellent trainers and really work to give me a personalized experience with the aim of reaching my individual goals. I enjoy the varied workouts and I always leave feeling accomplished and strong in body, mind, and spirit!”
“Midstrong is great. Love my one-on-one’s with Julie and the small group classes. I am so much healthier then I have been in a very long time.”
Real. Life. Results.
meet the founders
The fitness and nutrition sage for middle age.
Meet Coach Paul and Coach Julie
Paul Reilly (USMA ‘89) founded MidStrong to help busy people in their 40s and 50s step into the best years of their lives with strength, stamina, energy, and enthusiasm. Together with wife Julie, a certified nutrition coach and personal fitness trainer, they have built a thriving community of kickass midlifers hellbent on getting the absolute best out of life by giving their best to maximizing their healthspan.
With a training perspective that preserves, restores, and energizes total health, the MidStrong team is helping people all around the world maximize their lifespan by optimizing their healthspan.
paul’s blog
Expand your Healthspan—for life.
Local to Westborough?
Join us in person at our Healthspan Lab!
18 Lyman Street. Suite 1100
Westborough, MA 01581
Mon: 5:30 AM - 7:00 PM
Tue: 6:30 AM - 5:30 PM
Wed: 5:30 AM - 7:00 PM
Thu: 6:30 AM - 5:30 PM
Fri: 5:30 AM - 6:30 PM
Sat: 8:30 AM - 10:30 AM
Sun: Rest Day
Expand your healthspan.
Eliminate your achy joints, daily fatigue, fat pants, mental fog, and your excuses once and for all.
We hate to come down too hard on you, but...
Your busy-ness is a choice.
We all make choices. Then we live with them—if we’re lucky.
More often than not, though, our choices negatively affect our healthspan and our ability to live our lives the way we want. And that’s no good.
The best way to make time for midlife fitness and nutrition is to take time for midlife fitness and nutrition.
And with our guidance and support, we'll help you consistently choose to place nutrition, fitness, and mindset at the top of your list of priorities.
Find out how we’ll work together here.
Cool. We won't tell you what you should eat.
Because that really doesn't work, at least not in the long term. (Besides, the minute we tell you not to eat something, is the minute you start to crave it.)
What we will do is help you understand how food can fuel your progress— instead of stalling it out. The longer we work together, the greater your awareness of how certain foods make you feel and how they impact your movement, sleep, focus, and more.
Yes, food affects all of that—for better or for worse.
In addition, you’ll also learn how to reinforce a healthy mindset and daily behaviors that help you find what works for you and then double down on it.
Ready to turn your food into the fuel your body deserves? Click here.
Isn’t aging fun!? After decades of use and abuse, our knees, backs, shoulders, and ankles are quick to remind us that they need a little TLC. Ironically, for most people, that means they need more movement—not more inactivity.
It takes finding a coaching team that speaks midlife fitness as a first language to give those critical joints and injury-prone areas safe support, strength, stretching, and care. (Psst. You can find that team right here.)
If (WHEN!) you do, you’ll find out what our members do—getting older can be a blast!
Because when you take good care of yourself—and your injuries—in the right way, you’ll get more from your body—and your body will give more back.
Starting with your bad back. :)
Heal better and feel better here.
Yeah, we think so too! At least it is in the way it's typically done, with brutally monotonous hours on an elliptical.
We use the MidStrong Functional Training Method (MFTM) to develop truly functional fitness.
Oh, for sure, we'll get your heart thumping. But it won't be from mind numbingly grinding away on a machine.
With our MFTM, each day of the week has a particular focus. We devise each workout to cover the full spectrum of Functional Fitness - things like strength, balance, coordination, and flexibility.
Click here to schedule a free consult!
If Yoda were here (and we'd like to think of ourselves as your own personal Yoda), he’d say: Do or do not, there is no discipline.
We call BS on the “knowing is half the battle” mindset. Knowing isn’t a battle at all. DOING it is.
And doing is about intentional choices—especially the day-to-day ones. It’s about setting yourself up to win—creating structure to make discipline less necessary, like what do you put in your fridge? Are your workout clothes laid out the night before or at the bottom of the laundry basket? Can you give yourself a moment to acknowledge when you’re making a healthy choice—and when you’re choosing to chomp through a bag of chips? Because here’s the thing: It’s a helluva lot easier to make better choices when we have a supportive environment, constant reminders of what we want (and don’t want) for our lives, and accountability factors holding us in check.
Good health is a habit, a ritual, and a rhythm. It’s a flywheel that propels us toward better and better.
If you take a good look at “highly disciplined” healthy people, you’d see that it’s not that they constantly make great choices in tough situations. They just more often choose (or create) the environments that make it easier to live the life they want. You can too!
In short, don’t make healthy the hard choice—and you’ll finally see how easy it is to put everything you know to work for you.
Ask yourself, “What would a healthy person do?” Then, go do that.
And, you know what a healthy person would do right now? They'd click here to fill out an application to MidStrong.
We get this—truly, we do.
We all have to start somewhere. We meet you where you are and we never judge.
All it takes is committing to your health one day at a time. Just take it day by day.
Because the truth is you are where you are—could be better, could be worse.
You won’t make things better unless you start making better choices.
The good news? You’ve found us! You’re on this website, which means you’re taking action to get back on track.
Take the next step here.
Then the first order of business for you to prioritize sleep.
Without adequate sleep, you are swimming upstream against an insurmountable current. Nothing you do with your nutrition or fitness will do much good. You will stay fat around the middle, be less focused and productive, and be more prone to making poor health choices. Like eating junk food and binge watching that new Netflix series.
Allow me to be frank with you—you’re not a kid anymore. You've been an adult for at least two decades, which means you’ve lived long enough and worked hard enough to make your own decisions about how to spend your time. And if you don’t take control of your time—your most precious and only non-renewable resource, mind you—someone else will.
When you prioritize your health—even just 30 minutes a day—you'll find that even more time will open up for you. You’ll be surprised how much more you can get done each day when you have more energy, focus, and stamina.
Click here and we’ll prove it to you.
We get it. Finding the right coach who understands you, your goals, your body, your life, and even your limitations (and reservations!) is super hard—especially when you have limited time, energy, and resources.
It's critical that you find the right fit for you. We actually feel the same way about our members—a good fit is just as important to us as it is to the people we want to help.
It’s actually why we ask everyone to fill out this brief application before we even get started. We want both parties to like we were made for each other!
It certainly can be—especially when we’re pummeled with conflicting information at every turn. With so many different perspectives, it’s easy to second-guess every spoonful.
Wouldn’t it be great if you could talk to an expert in nutrition about where you struggle, how you feel, and what foods could really make a difference in your energy levels, sleep habits, digestive rhythms, mental clarity, and overall well-being?
We help you take all the guesswork out of all that and teach you how to make food an accelerant to your progress.
You should talk to our resident expert, Coach Julie! And you can schedule time with her here.
What…you don’t like boiled chicken and broccoli? (Spoiler alert: no one does.)
At MidStrong, we’re all about simple, sustainable fitness and nutrition that you actually enjoy. After all, it wouldn’t matter if boiled chicken and broccoli added years to your life—all those extra years would be spent in sadness.
As we get into our 40s, 50s, and beyond, we’ve had plenty of time to gather our own (strong) opinions about what healthy eating is, what it takes to pull it together, and how much fun it is (or is not). But you’re also young enough to know that perhaps you may be thinking about it all wrong.
And, really, how awesome would it be if you were? How much better could your life be if everything you ate was not only wicked tasty, but also energized your workouts, helped you fit into your favorite pants, and kept you from falling asleep at your desk?
The reality is that it’s easier than ever to find, prepare, order, and enjoy uncomplicated, unfussy, unbelievably delicious meals.
The keyword here, of course, is meals. Not diets. A diet implies a temporary suspension of reality and real life. What you really want—and what we get the sense that you are missing—is a chance to sit down with a feel-good meal that fuels you as well as fills you—physically and mentally (and maybe a little spiritually).
Find out how we can fill your plate—and fuel your life—here.
Your hard work will pay off.
Or we’ll pay you back.
We guarantee our proven approach to midlife fitness will help you build strength, stamina, and confidence. When you give it your best, you’ll get the best—or you best get your money back.