It's a 3-dimensional world - we oughta train that way.
It's a 3-dimensional world - we oughta train that way
The "functional" part of Functional Fitness Training implies that it should have a direct application to things we do in real life.
Our goal for your training is to make your life better outside the gym.
Each exercise has a purpose and mimics the stuff we do in real life.
We move in multiple dimensions. We should train that way.
Most exercises are in one or two dimensions or what we in the biz call "planes." Think of a Squat - up and down - one dimension/plane.
Now think of a Lunge - forward, down, up, and back - two dimensions.
Add a medicine ball rotation to the Lunge - forward, down, rotation, up, and back - three!
So, how much of each should we include in our training plan?
The main lifts are almost always single-plane exercises - like Deadlifts. Just up and down.
We add in supporting exercises (we call them "accessory") to augment the main event. That's where the multi-planar work is done.
Here's a quick video that illustrates this point.
Are you ready to train with purpose? Want your training to pay off big time in your real life? Cool, use this link to schedule a Strategy Session with us, and we'll figure out if MidStrong is the right fit for you.
We are stronger than our excuses.