There is more to muscle than looking jacked
Nutrition Nugget - There is more to muscle than looking jacked!
Muscle-centric nutrition is the secret to optimal health and living a kick-@ss life.
Why it matters: Your muscles are essential in maintaining overall health, from metabolism regulation and hormone balance to cognitive function.
Your nutrition choices affect your muscle health and, in turn, your overall health and quality of life.
Meet Tracy: Our member, Tracy, has focused on her muscle-centric nutrition these last six months. She consistently attends sessions at MidStrong and is reaping the benefits of focusing on muscle-centric thinking versus losing weight. Her latest InBody showed a 4 lb gain of muscle, Percent Body Fat dropped 3%, and she lost 5 lbs of body fat. She recently completed a ten-day hike in Italy and said she felt strong.
So, where do you start?
#1. Make sure you are getting enough protein. An excellent place to start is 1 gram per pound of ideal body weight.
#2. Focus on vitamins and minerals that support muscle function, such as Vitamin D and magnesium.
#3. Balance your protein with whole foods, healthy fats, and complex carbohydrates to support the energy your muscles need.
Your nutrition is vital, but you must balance it with strength training and aerobic exercise and ensure your lifestyle supports your goals.
If unsure where to start, we can help.
We are stronger than our excuses.